Wednesday, June 26, 2013

BONER Busters (aka Bra Busters)

''so you make people like a page thinking it's one thing then go around changing it into a feminist group.
False misleading advertising and discrimination against men who enjoy a view every now and then.
this is not the way to ''stop'' anything, it just makes feminism look even worse in the eyes of the men they constantly want to fight. Just let people do or be what they want to be. Who are you to tell us what we do is wrong?''
By Jarell Mackey, supporter of facebook page 'Bra Busters'

Why do some people expect us to actually sell feminism to them, as if it is some kind of commodity that we have to market, rather than about our need and right to equality? Don't we have enough to deal with, coping with the strain an unfair world puts on us, without also having to take responsibility for the guilt, anger and other negative emotions that come up in others, when we talk about it. We simply can't make something as ugly as the hate, oppression, discrimination against us look nice enough for those who wonder why we can't make it look more user friendly.
Post by me, in response to Jarell Mackey

BONER Busters

BONER Busters was formerly 'Bra Busters', which used to be a men's page. 

For some reason, the admin of the men's page asked a radical feminist if she would be an admin of the page, in the name of adding more variety or something. She accepted the offer, and them promptly threw him off the page, removed the porn and posted feminist slogans. 

Furious reactions from the page members ensued, until many feminists joined the page.

 Since then, the page has been under constant attack by the so called men's rights pages. Facebook unpublished the page, because of the many reports that the page has hate speech and the page has porn on it.

 ''“This is the story of a feminist takeover,” wrote the author of Feminist at Sea, a Wordpress blog.'' 

 Blog by me, on facebook censorship

Support BONER Busters (aka Bra Busters)

Here's how